Phantom 1979

it sank like a rock!

p ffir souls! the riveris ten meters d fip here! they wifi d r o w n!

several hours later,in the pale dawn light...

why did the thieves stealit? there must be many mo re valuableite ms here at the m u s e u m!

it’s strange! we’ve not b ffn able toidentify

the same aftern fin... we found thisin the thieves’ car when we recove redit! we thought you’d want it back!

the men! you didn’t recognise them by ANY CHANCE?

I’ve noidea, so fiy! but I’m sureit was thisicon they were l ddking for! they went straight to that s t a n d!

Theicon! thanks so m u c h!

I’m pre eey sure I’ve never s ttn them b e f o r e!

Does this drawing MEAN anything TO Y O U ?

S O ll Y, NO! WHAT’ SiT For?

Can I k llp this one? I know a retired profe ssor whois an expert on religious symbols! He might know what this symbol stands for!

Both men had this symbol ta ll eeed on their forearms

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