Phantom 1979
wei rd!it felt like someone was staring at me!
... h u h! ?
I’m probably ge ffing tired! time to go home and crawl into bed!
the next day, at n fin...
...and with that I o fiicia fiy declare the exhibition open! co me onin!
over there!... in the mi file display b ddth!
do you s ffit? whatif we we re mi s l e d!
That night...
you s ee? the security here
T h at’ s i t! thereis no doubt about i t!
is a joke!it was so easy to fix the alarm and the electronic l o c k!
are you sureit’s the right d tt r ?
w e’ ee come back t o ni g h t!
wait and you’ ll s ll!
we sti ll have to take care of the night watchman!
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