Phantom 1979
do you recognize this?
it says here that it’s the symbol of the serpent god khunda, an evil deity who demands human sacrifice!
it’s gone! the men who t ffik alan must have taken it t fi!
the symbol the thieves had t a fi fied on their a r m s!
w ai t!...
it has b ffn worshipedin the far east for nearly four thousand years!
butit can’t sti fi exist t o d a y!
not a ddording to these notes which I gue ee are the profe ttor’s! there’s a te mple on a s ma llisland o ll the coast ofitaly!
for some reason modern sect members ca me he re to steal theicon! when they failed at the museum, they simply tried again!
“...just what I’m going to find out! I’m heading to Italy on the next flight!...”
but why are they l eeking for theicon? and why did they Take alan away?
in the mi llle of the night...
with some luck I should be on theisland by the evening!
tomo ssow I’ ll landin Ro me! then I’ ll rent a car and drive south along the coast!
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