Phantom 1979

a sma fi motor boat takes the m out to theisland of snake cultists...

meanwhile, a private plane lands on a sma ffi airfield so me wherein southernitaly. aboard are the profe fior and his kidna fiers...

theicon! fina ffy! you’ve served our cause w e fi!

anicon was recently dest royedin glastonbury! * so this is the last one!

when we destroyit, our ene my wi dd have to pay the ultimate price for his double cro ee!

we wi ll find out! we have methods that can make stones talk! but he has to wait! lock him up!

he knows about our brotherh ttd! he recognised our t a ll ll! but ho wis that po eeible?

and this man? why did you bring him here?

it’s morei mportant to dest roy theicon! we perform the ritual tonight on the fu ss m lln!

same evening...

if minerva’s friendis ri ght, the brotherh lld’s temple is on thatisland!

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* s ll phantom #1834 (2019)

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