Phantom 1979

Quickly! knock him out!


we lock him in with the other

there you are!

only just in time! he fought like a lion!

nice work, nick! you got him!

guy! the ritual begins soon! brother caldas certainly won’t want to be disturbed right now!

what do we do now?

a moment later...


unnh...the fact is I’m a

who’re you? What’s with the mask? are you one of them?

friend of minerva! I’m here looking for you!

you shouldn’t have come here! these people are dangerous! they

I got dressed up to get past the guards! as you can see, it worked perfectly!

they wanted to get rasputin’s icon! I just happened to be there!

khunda’s brotherhood! I’ve

read your notes! but I don’t understand what they’re after!

belong to an ancient sect!


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