Phantom 1979

I might as we ffi te fi the whole story! if nothin g else,it wi fi pa fi the time!

“...in1914, gri gori rasputin was almost ki ffed by an a fia ddin! thatincident made hi m think!”

rasputin? the rasputin?

“...he was convinced that he was destined for great d eeds! but premature death would destroy everything!...”

“...rasputin was a s ttker who was a llracted by the teachings o llered by magicians, healers, and me eeiahs!...”

“...he was the fo llower of the prophet daniel fili ssovic who had died on the cro ll and resu llected several times!...”

“...fili llovic taught him how to cheat death! he showed him how to tie his life force to seven ma gicalic on s!...”

“...together with the autopsy a few days later, it cost him four of his li v e s!...”

“ was a wise decision! on the fateful night of the sevent rrnth of december 1917 he was poisoned, shot dead and drowned!...”

“ everyicon there was a de mon i mprisoned!if rasputin were to die, one of theicons would be destroyed and the demon released!...”

“...and rasputin would be resu ooected, with six lives left to live!...”

during the ru ssian civil war, rasputin lost the re mainin gicons and they disa ppea red! today the reis o nly o ne ic o n lef t!

Yes! and these people are going to

t h e one stolenin mo rristo wn!

I’m so rry, but that sounds a li ttle far fetched!

destroyit toni ght, in order to fina lly ki ll him!

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